2010-02-18 17:13:07 UTC
Dedicated to the Faqir Chand Legacy, and as expressed through Sant
Harjit Singh Sandhu. Copyright©February 2010 shabdahu. The first in
a series of poems.
The Perfect Shiva
Enjoin every molecule from here to heaven,
to dance with flames of love and non-ending mantra.
The Perfect One has arrived and enacted the perfect Song,
that both human and far beyond Ecstaticism.
All the bereft molecules, bound so tight,
spin with dancing Sufi joy within their inner lights.
But once having experienced just a taste of true freedom,
they chafe at Raja’s constrictive hold and burning
mirrors of illusion.
The more they know the One who was always sought,
the more they feel the plight of walls of Limitation.
And, yet, for the first time, there is real hope,
for the first time Faith has the indisputable proof to grow.
He was once a fleeting vision, when compared to the present,
now He’s solidly present,
a Light of Whiteness,
and Indisputable Presence.
Now He comes with words and advice,
just a story or two and all questions are answered.
Deep inside lies the greatest kind of intelligence,
which becomes the Perfect Intelligence
because it speaks perfectly to its audience,
and issues ever so palatably,
from ‘the confluence of humanity and good nature’. (1)
For the longest time, the nearness to Thoughtlessness,
could leave you feeling confused.
You’ll scramble for words, ideas,
and former expressions of bhaktis.
A shearing, a ‘blankness’, arrives to replace,
spaces once filled with endless trains of visualized spaces.
You may come to feel that you’re more lost than ever,
so accustomed to ‘verbalizing some-thing’ in all forms of expressions.
But what you eventually realize is that you’re very near to the
and mind is experiencing the edges of it limits.
The day it becomes a perpetually open door to Blisses,
is both the day Grace is pleased,
and karmas are lightening in their Prices.
In the frenzies of Happiness, when the True Fact is realized,
when you wake up to find the Perfect Shiva,
cared to exist,
perhaps even more, if anything so fabulous could be true,
than you ached everyday to find Him…
The baffled mind can start to run amuck,
searching for unions it better understands within, perhaps,
lesser forms of Luck.
So, all the molecules performing joyous arti,
their countless trillions on trillions
designed to proclaim, even more zealously, than did
the wise one performing Chenrizeg mantra and through all atoms…
They carry in their singing voices multiple prayers each,
that He carry to his mark, and make perfectly True,
all the detachment only Ultimate Love and Enlightenment,
knows through and through.
That He make as certain as can be,
a permanent detachment from all things worldly.
That not one faltering thought from the sub and unconscious,
sees enough sustenance to undermine the Perfect Plan.
There are no ultimate answers within the three worlds,
only fortunate markers pointing, sometimes, the way out.
If I know not the fruition of the Perfect Plan,
how can I ever judge the ultimate efficacy,
and truth
of anything striking an ‘i’ composed of three cities?
And not only do those three find themselves in constant
and ‘natural’ arrears,
there’s all the subsequent and infinite layers
incessantly demanding ‘emperor who wore no clothes’
attention worshipping.
His Knowledge is the Knowledge to be trusted
whether delivered with a cutting edge
a blade of Love
or an utter and startling gentleness…
That once again makes very clear,
it issues wholly from ‘the confluence of good nature and humanity(2)
Of one thing I am very sure,
He always speaks from beyond the Tenth Door.
And this must be why just one or two sociable stories
end up Satsangs of many days and hours.
So, wherever the mind might run,
and spike with things sub and unconscious,
it is hoped, and prayed, most of all,
that He knows what is most central in all prayers,
is what He knows to be most perfect entreaties
to the Heart of the Ultimate Reality.
What would He pray for, if He needed prayer?
What would He desire, if a desire served a true spiritual use?
What would He be, do or think, if any of those actions appeared
a necessity to Him?
Let those ideations be the ultimate prayers
of the total sum of all creation’s
infinity of molecules…
Spinning balls of most intense concentrations,
singing with prayers within electromagnetic prisons.
Each sure now that benefit for All,
lies in submission to His Will,
and true desire for Emancipation,
is the mark of True Love at its finest discernment
and understanding.
(1) – excerpt from “Light on Ananda Yoga” by Data Dayal Maharishi Shiv
Brat Lal, Copyright 2007, edited and revised by Sant Harjit Singh.
(2) - a variation on the excerpt described in footnote (1)
Note: The term “Shiva” is utilized in this poem because it is most
commonly used in the plethora of India’s spiritual literature to
describe the cosmic aspect that most keenly embodies the concept of
“destruction of worldly attachments.” It isn’t intended to be an all
inclusive description.
Express written permission of the author required for this literature
to be cross posted, published, transmitted, in any form or way, in any
interpretation thereof, etc., in part or whole.
Sant Harjit Singh’s website:
Groups dedicated by Satsangis to the Faqir Chand Legacy, Sant Mat
Siddhanta, Original Sant Mat.
Related groups:
Harjit Singh Sandhu. Copyright©February 2010 shabdahu. The first in
a series of poems.
The Perfect Shiva
Enjoin every molecule from here to heaven,
to dance with flames of love and non-ending mantra.
The Perfect One has arrived and enacted the perfect Song,
that both human and far beyond Ecstaticism.
All the bereft molecules, bound so tight,
spin with dancing Sufi joy within their inner lights.
But once having experienced just a taste of true freedom,
they chafe at Raja’s constrictive hold and burning
mirrors of illusion.
The more they know the One who was always sought,
the more they feel the plight of walls of Limitation.
And, yet, for the first time, there is real hope,
for the first time Faith has the indisputable proof to grow.
He was once a fleeting vision, when compared to the present,
now He’s solidly present,
a Light of Whiteness,
and Indisputable Presence.
Now He comes with words and advice,
just a story or two and all questions are answered.
Deep inside lies the greatest kind of intelligence,
which becomes the Perfect Intelligence
because it speaks perfectly to its audience,
and issues ever so palatably,
from ‘the confluence of humanity and good nature’. (1)
For the longest time, the nearness to Thoughtlessness,
could leave you feeling confused.
You’ll scramble for words, ideas,
and former expressions of bhaktis.
A shearing, a ‘blankness’, arrives to replace,
spaces once filled with endless trains of visualized spaces.
You may come to feel that you’re more lost than ever,
so accustomed to ‘verbalizing some-thing’ in all forms of expressions.
But what you eventually realize is that you’re very near to the
and mind is experiencing the edges of it limits.
The day it becomes a perpetually open door to Blisses,
is both the day Grace is pleased,
and karmas are lightening in their Prices.
In the frenzies of Happiness, when the True Fact is realized,
when you wake up to find the Perfect Shiva,
cared to exist,
perhaps even more, if anything so fabulous could be true,
than you ached everyday to find Him…
The baffled mind can start to run amuck,
searching for unions it better understands within, perhaps,
lesser forms of Luck.
So, all the molecules performing joyous arti,
their countless trillions on trillions
designed to proclaim, even more zealously, than did
the wise one performing Chenrizeg mantra and through all atoms…
They carry in their singing voices multiple prayers each,
that He carry to his mark, and make perfectly True,
all the detachment only Ultimate Love and Enlightenment,
knows through and through.
That He make as certain as can be,
a permanent detachment from all things worldly.
That not one faltering thought from the sub and unconscious,
sees enough sustenance to undermine the Perfect Plan.
There are no ultimate answers within the three worlds,
only fortunate markers pointing, sometimes, the way out.
If I know not the fruition of the Perfect Plan,
how can I ever judge the ultimate efficacy,
and truth
of anything striking an ‘i’ composed of three cities?
And not only do those three find themselves in constant
and ‘natural’ arrears,
there’s all the subsequent and infinite layers
incessantly demanding ‘emperor who wore no clothes’
attention worshipping.
His Knowledge is the Knowledge to be trusted
whether delivered with a cutting edge
a blade of Love
or an utter and startling gentleness…
That once again makes very clear,
it issues wholly from ‘the confluence of good nature and humanity(2)
Of one thing I am very sure,
He always speaks from beyond the Tenth Door.
And this must be why just one or two sociable stories
end up Satsangs of many days and hours.
So, wherever the mind might run,
and spike with things sub and unconscious,
it is hoped, and prayed, most of all,
that He knows what is most central in all prayers,
is what He knows to be most perfect entreaties
to the Heart of the Ultimate Reality.
What would He pray for, if He needed prayer?
What would He desire, if a desire served a true spiritual use?
What would He be, do or think, if any of those actions appeared
a necessity to Him?
Let those ideations be the ultimate prayers
of the total sum of all creation’s
infinity of molecules…
Spinning balls of most intense concentrations,
singing with prayers within electromagnetic prisons.
Each sure now that benefit for All,
lies in submission to His Will,
and true desire for Emancipation,
is the mark of True Love at its finest discernment
and understanding.
(1) – excerpt from “Light on Ananda Yoga” by Data Dayal Maharishi Shiv
Brat Lal, Copyright 2007, edited and revised by Sant Harjit Singh.
(2) - a variation on the excerpt described in footnote (1)
Note: The term “Shiva” is utilized in this poem because it is most
commonly used in the plethora of India’s spiritual literature to
describe the cosmic aspect that most keenly embodies the concept of
“destruction of worldly attachments.” It isn’t intended to be an all
inclusive description.
Express written permission of the author required for this literature
to be cross posted, published, transmitted, in any form or way, in any
interpretation thereof, etc., in part or whole.
Sant Harjit Singh’s website:
Groups dedicated by Satsangis to the Faqir Chand Legacy, Sant Mat
Siddhanta, Original Sant Mat.
Related groups: