(too old to reply)
2013-12-14 06:45:56 UTC

"The way to true blessedness is way of humility and love. He who is humble has no problems. He has God as his Guide. Significant are the words of the shepherd boy singing in John Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress':

'He that is down need fear no fall,
He that is low, no pride;
He that is humble ever shall
Have God to be his guide
I am content with what I have,
Little be it, or much;
And Lord, contentment still I crave,
Because Thou savest such.'

Rightly has it been said that if there were not humility in the world, everyone would long ago have committed suicide.

When the light of humility dawns on the soul, the darkness of selfishness disappears and the soul no longer lives for itself, but for God. The soul loses itself in God, lives in God, and is transformed into Him. This is the alchemy of humility. It transforms the lowest into the Highest. The great Chinese sage, Lao Tse, expressed the thought in beautiful words:

'How does the sea become the king of all rivers and streams?
Because it lies lower than them.'

St. Augustine said the way to God is, 'First humility, second humility and third humility.' He who is proud of possessions or of learning or of authority will not go to any Saint unless he is humble. Even if he goes to the Saint, but considers himself superior to Him, he will not listen to Him. A glass which is kept above a tumbler of water will remain empty - until it is put below the tumbler. You know what you know, just listen to what the other says. Perhaps we can learn something from him."

(Sant Kirpal Singh. "The Way Of The Saints". Sant Bani Ashram 1979. Pp. 143-144)

In the LightSong of Eternal Love,

Have a beautiful evening!

Michael Turner
http://spiritualfreedomsatsang.org - Blog
2014-02-25 12:44:50 UTC
Hello everyone,

These two articles look similar:
Renny MacKay, a spokesman for Mr. Mead,
said the governor was committed to figuring out a long-term fix for about 20
homes whose water was found to contain contaminants while the source of the
pollution is studied.
But some locals say the draft report’s analysis of
water samples, which identified synthetic chemicals consistent with natural
gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing fluids, is proof of what they suspected
for years.
“I’d like to have the industry held accountable for once,” said
Jeff Locker, a hay and barley farmer who said that his well water had gone
bad around the mid-’90s and that the contaminants had contributed to his
wife’s neuropathy. “We’ve got scientific proof. And they’re still turning
their back on us. They expect us to pay between $100 and $200 for something
we didn’t cause. It gets under my skin.”
Mr. Fenton said he thought he had
dodged a bullet until about three years ago, when his tap water began
occasionally fizzing and smelling like petroleum. And even though Encana is
giving him drinking water, Mr. Fenton said he and his family still bathe in
dirty water.

Yours, truthfully
